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Präsentationstraining: Better Business Presentations -- High impact presentations – clear, confident and convincing
HPS Deutschland GmbH

Zielgruppe: Perfect training for ALL presenters who want to get their message across clearly and professionally with confidence: managers, specialists and consultants as well as independent business people.

Voraussetzungen: Small group: min. 6, max. 10 participants bring your own notebook


Beschreibung: Presentations are integral to the success of projects, products and concepts. Even the best ideas benefit from effective communication: the content should be presented in an attractive, “catchy” and convincing way. And in the shortest amount of time possible. In this training you will learn from the HPS-professionals how to deliver and win international presentations. Your trainer is a native speaker and has many years of business-experience in management and sales.

Inhalte: Learn to apply the 7 key success factors in presenting:- Meet the needs of your audience by selecting the right information- Structure proposals and solutions with a view to convincing- Visualise and optimise your ideas quickly and effectively- Work professionally with data projectors, notebooks and flipchart – control audience attention- Power up your personal impact – speak with confidence- Handle questions, disturbances & interruptions withoutmissing a beat

PLEASE NOTE: Additional costs for conference package (about 55.00 to 75.00 € / day, compulsory) and individual hotel stays have to be paid directly at the hotel.  A booking form for conference package, additional meals and accommodation will be provided by HPS.

HPS Deutschland GmbH

HPS ist führendes Spezialinstitut für „Präsentation und Rhetorik“ in Europa mit eigenen Niederlassungen in: Frankfurt, Wien, Zürich, Budapest. Daraus entstand mit ca 40.000 Absolventen das erfolgreichste Präsentations-Training im deutschsprachigen Raum: Für 12 verschiedene Präsentationspraxis-Szenarien, in 4 Sprachen. Daher finden sich vor allem internationale Konzerne, die eine hohe, standardisierte Trainingsqualität voraussetzen, unter den begeisterten HPS-Kunden. Das Besondere an HPS: • 35 Jahre konsequente Spezialisierung auf das Thema „Präsentation & Rhetorik“ • 32 Präsentationsprofis als Trainer (lizenzierte HPS-Trainerausbildung) • 2-Trainer-Konzept (Volltrainer plus technischer Co-Trainer) • Maximale Übungsintensität. (3-4 videokontrollierte Präsentationsübungen pro Person/Tag!)

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