Zielgruppe: Perfect training for ALL presenters who want to get their message across clearly and professionally with confidence: managers, specialists and consultants as well as independent business people.
Voraussetzungen: Small group: min. 6, max. 10 participants bring your own notebook
Beschreibung: Presentations are integral to the success of projects, products and concepts. Even the best ideas benefit from effective communication: the content should be presented in an attractive, “catchy” and convincing way. And in the shortest amount of time possible. In this training you will learn from the HPS-professionals how to deliver and win international presentations. Your trainer is a native speaker and has many years of business-experience in management and sales.
Inhalte: Learn to apply the 7 key success factors in presenting:- Meet the needs of your audience by selecting the right information- Structure proposals and solutions with a view to convincing- Visualise and optimise your ideas quickly and effectively- Work professionally with data projectors, notebooks and flipchart – control audience attention- Power up your personal impact – speak with confidence- Handle questions, disturbances & interruptions withoutmissing a beat
PLEASE NOTE: Additional costs for conference package (about 55.00 to 75.00 € / day, compulsory) and individual hotel stays have to be paid directly at the hotel. A booking form for conference package, additional meals and accommodation will be provided by HPS.
HPS ist führendes Spezialinstitut für „Präsentation und Rhetorik“ in Europa mit eigenen Niederlassungen in: Frankfurt, Wien, Zürich, Budapest. Daraus entstand mit ca 40.000 Absolventen das erfolgreichste Präsentations-Training im deutschsprachigen Raum: Für 12 verschiedene Präsentationspraxis-Szenarien, in 4 Sprachen. Daher finden sich vor allem internationale Konzerne, die eine hohe, standardisierte Trainingsqualität voraussetzen, unter den begeisterten HPS-Kunden. Das Besondere an HPS: • 35 Jahre konsequente Spezialisierung auf das Thema „Präsentation & Rhetorik“ • 32 Präsentationsprofis als Trainer (lizenzierte HPS-Trainerausbildung) • 2-Trainer-Konzept (Volltrainer plus technischer Co-Trainer) • Maximale Übungsintensität. (3-4 videokontrollierte Präsentationsübungen pro Person/Tag!)